Annual Report
Building Leaders

The goal of MB EYE on the Future is to arm our members with leaders who are intentional, consistent, and trustworthy that can make a significant impact on their companies and our industry. The 24-25 cohort was expanded to 31 participants and our committee was excited to see the amazing list of candidates to choose from. Participants are delving into the intricacies of team dynamics by focusing on understanding and valuing the differences among team members. Emphasis is placed on fostering empathy, communication, and collaboration across generational divides to create more cohesive and effective teams. Sessions assist members in leading themselves then to influencing others. A few highlights of this exciting experience:
In person interactive sessions with national and state leaders hosted in Dubuque, Cedar Falls and West Des Moines;
Authentic, experiential learning through work-based projects to give back to their company, their association, and their industry; and
All participants will also demonstrate professional skills in a capstone culminating at the Iowa Events Center with our Board of Directors and their supervisors.

MBI has always offered a great compilation of leadership learning opportunities. One series that is considered a “must do” for up-and-coming leaders within our membership is MB EYE on the Future. Listening to feedback from you, we have transformed the program. Vince Lombardi said, “Leaders are made; they are not born. They are made by hard effort, which is the price that all of us must pay to achieve any goal that is worthwhile.” Jake Thompson, Compete Every Day, is now the lead faculty for the 24-25 cohort and is developing the skills in our participants to take their leadership influence to the next level. In Jake’s book, Lead Better Now, he shares a story about his wife and her experience getting thrown into the deep end without swimming lessons. She was promoted into a leadership position with little to no training within her real estate company after the sudden departure of her boss. This is exactly why MBI offers leadership courses for our membership - we want to be sure that you do not have leaders that are flailing in the deep end because they did not have the chance to first swim with floaties.